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Network Operations Support
General Support: 1-561-314-9091 (Available from 8 am Monday to 8 pm Friday. All times are Eastern)
U.S. Navy Support: 1-561-314-9091 (Available from 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday. All times are Eastern)

My Host is showing as offline
I forgot my password
MC3/ MobiKEY for iOS
If you have enrolled in Password Reset prior to forgetting your MobiNET password, please contact Network Operations Support for assistance with resetting your MobiNET password.
If you have not enrolled in Password Reset, or Password Reset is not available to your organization, you may be required to re-register your MC3 device or your MobiKEY for iOS app. You may contact Network Operations Support any time for assistance with re-registering MobiKEY. For security reasons, your MobiNET password cannot be retrieved by Route1.
MobiKEY for Android
If you have forgotten your MobiNET password for the Android MobiKEY app, please delete the application and install again. You will need to perform the Registration and Host pairing steps again. For security reasons, your MobiNET password cannot be retrieved by Route1.
MobiKEY Fusion / MobiKEY Fusion A2T
Please contact your ID Card Administrator should you require assistance with resetting your PIN. For security reasons, your PIN cannot be retrieved by Route1.
How can I change my MobiNET password?
MC3 / MobiKEY for iOS / MobiKEY for Android
You may change your MobiNET password during login. You will need to provide your current password and select Change password on successful login. For security reasons, your MobiNET password cannot be retrieved by Route1.
MobiKEY Fusion / MobiKEY Fusion A2T
Please contact your ID Card Administrator should you require assistance with changing your PIN. For security reasons, your PIN cannot be retrieved by Route1.
Where can I find my MobiNET ID and domain?
Your MobiNET ID and domain can be found on the bottom of the MobiKEY UI after successful login.This information will be available just below the Host List.
MobiKEY for iOS / MobiKEY for Android
Your MobiNET ID and domain can be found by logging into your MobiKEY app and going to the Settings menu and selecting the Troubleshooting tab.
MobiKEY Fusion / MobiKEY Fusion A2T
If you are using a MobiKEY Fusion device, or the MobiKEY Fusion A2T apps, please contact Network Operations Support to find out your MobiNET ID.
How can I remove a Host from my Host List?
At times, you may wish to remove a particular Host from your Host list. You may either contact your organization’s MobiKEY Administrator or the Route1 Network Operations Support team to have the Host name removed from your Host list, or manually remove the Host from the Host UI:
- Open the MobiAgent UI on the Host computer you wish to remove from your Host list.
- Select the Manage Users tab. You will be prompted for the MobiNET password associated with the Host owner.
- Select the MobiNET ID of the Remote you wish you remove authorization for from this Host computer and click on the Revoke button. A confirmation pop-up will appear to ensure you are ready to remove the association between the Host and Remote.
- Once the process is complete, you will no longer see this Host on your Host list.
Can I use multiple monitors?
The MobiKEY Technology supports multiple monitors on the Host computer.
For MobiKEY and MobiNET Agent versions older than version 5.2:
The Remote asset currently only supports a single monitor. During your data session, you may switch between your Host monitors by selecting the corresponding monitor icon from the MobiKEY Taskbar. For example, if your host asset has 3 monitors, the taskbar will display 3 monitor icons labelled 1, 2 and 3.
For MobiKEY and MobiNET Agent versions 5.2 and newer:
The Remote asset supports multiple monitors when using the new V2 protocol available in version 5.2. and newer. Furthermore, when using the V2 protocol, there is no need to use monitor icons on the MobiKEY Taskbar to switch between monitors. The Data Session window will span across all available remote asset monitors, effectively extending the display.
I want to install the Host on a Mac OS X computer
The MobiNET Agent software is currently only available for Windows OS computers.
I have received a replacement MobiKEY Enabling Device, what now?
If you have received a replacement MC3 device, you have two options as to how to proceed:
- Register your MC3 device. During this process you will be issued a new MobiNET ID, and you will pair your new MC3 to your existing Host computer. You will require the password of the MobiNET ID that had originally installed the Host software to complete the pairing process.
- Uninstall your current MobiNET Agent on your Host computer and proceed to Register your MC3 device and add Host. This will install the MobiNET Agent software on your Host computer again, but will not require the previous account password. The newly installed MobiNET Agent software will be linked to your new MobiNET ID. NOTE: uninstalling the existing MobiNET Agent will automatically revoke existing Remote pairings to this Host. If there are any other Remotes paired to this Host, one the new installation is complete, each Remote will need to be paired again.
MobiKEY Fusion / MobiKEY Fusion A2T
If you have received a new MobiKEY Fusion/MobiKEY Fusion A2T device, you may simply start using the device with your ID card. Your MobiNET ID is linked to your ID card, and not to the device itself.
How can I update my MobiKEY Enabling Device and Host?
Your MobiKEY Enabling Device will automatically prompt you when there is a new MobiKEY update available.
To update your MobiNET Agent software, you can either do so from your MC3 or by downloading the update files from our ticket site.
Host update from MC3:
- Insert your MC3 into the USB port of your Host computer. If the MobiKEY application software does not start automatically, open Windows Explorer, locate the MobiKEY application software in the newly mounted drive, and manually launch it.
- Upon successful login, click on Add Host and select This Computer. The MC3 will verify the current version of the MobiNET Agent software and prompt you if an update is available.
- Follow the onscreen prompts for the Update Wizard. NOTE: You must first update your MC3 before the latest version of the MobiNET Agent software will be available to you using this method.
Host update from ticket site:
- Using a web browser, go to
- Read the license agreement, and then click the YES checkbox.
- Enter the case sensitive ticket number* for the Host computer MobiNET Agent update and click Download Software. The file download dialog box appears.
- To save the file to your desktop, click Save As and select you destination location.
- When the download is complete, click Close to close the download dialog box.
- Double-click the MobiNET Agent file you have just downloaded. The update wizard will run and update the MobiNET Agent software on the Host computer.
- Reboot the Host computer when prompted.
*Please contact Route1 Network Operations Support for the required ticket number.
Mouse movements on an iOS or Android device
Mouse Button
- The mouse button enables and disables mouse interactions with the data session. If a user wishes to position his screen without the risk of accidentally clicking and performing actions then he/she can disable mouse actions temporarily.
Left Clicking
- Tap to single left click.
Right Clicking
- Tap and hold at the desired location to perform a right click
Resizing and Moving the Screen
- The data session window can be thought of as being locked in place. To unlock it you must perform a pinching action. This will also allow zooming the screen.
- To reposition the screen, pinch the screen and reposition to the desired location.
- To resize the screen, tap on the window edge and pan to the desired location.
- To move a window, tap the window top bar and pan to the desired location.
NOTE: the tap, and pan to click, and drag movements are to be done in one fluid motion. This may take some getting used to and practice. For more information on MobiKEY for iOS (including mouse interactions), please visit the MobiKEY for iOS Quick Start Guide. Similarly, for more information on MobiKEY for Android (including mouse interactions), please visit the MobiKEY for Android Quick Start Guide.
I am experiencing latency with the MobiKEY data session
Latency can be caused by limited network bandwidth being used by your remote device. To reduce bandwidth usage, first launch MobiKEY then login. After you’ve logged in, click on “Settings” on the top right. Then click on “Host Session” on the left hand side. On the right side, you will see numerous options. Click on the “Display” tab. This will give you access to settings such as Color Quality, Limit FPS and Compression Speed. If you’re experiencing latency, try the following:
- Lowering the Color quality to 5:5:5
- Lowering the Limit FPS to “10fps” or lower
Under the “Effects” tab near “Display,” a few desktop options can be disabled to increase your session’s performance.
- Set “Desktop Wallpaper” to “Off”
- Set “Desktop Peek” to “Off”
If you are experiencing latency in a MobiKEY data session, click here for helpful tips to improve the MobiKEY experience in a low bandwidth environment.
Everything in my data session appears tiny (especially on my Surface Pro)
If you’re experiencing this kind of behaviour, it’s typically because your remote asset’s desktop resolution is upwards of 1440p or higher. If you’ve used zoom to make your icons on the remote asset bigger, this zoom will not take place during a data session. To fix the size of the icons in your data session so that it matches your remote asset’s display settings, do the following:
- Go to “This PC” or “My Computer” (for Windows 10 or Windows 7 respectively)
- Find “DVD RW Drive: MobiKEY” under “Devices and Removable Storage”
- Right click on it and select “Explore” or “Open”
- Double click on the “bin” folder
- Locate “MobiKEY.exe”
- Right click on it and select “properties”
- Click on the “Compatibility” tab
- Find “Change high DPI settings” at the bottom and click on it
- Click on the checkbox at the bottom under “High DPI scaling override”
- When the drop down menu under “High DPI scaling override” becomes active (after being greyed out), click on it and select “System (Enhanced)”
- Click “Ok” twice
- Launch MobiKEY